Iñaki García Brito

Orbital Critical Systems (Spain)

Security & Safety an introduction to QorIQ Trust Architectures in critical applications

Usage and experiences in safety critical environment applications feasibility towards security in the QorIQ Trust Architectures. The objective of this paper is to show the possibility of having security trustworthy systems resisting attacks from both remote and physical access.

This kind of architectures on the SoCs, provides with controlled features that allows the user to have cryptographic strength, debug visibility, sensitivity of tamper detection and anti-cloning mitigations. Introducing stakeholders on how security can and should be achieve at low level is of vital importance, the idea is to bring this kind of architectures into play as well as serve as an introductory point to how this architectures work.

From the lowest level of code up to the application point, explaining the chain of trust, as well as the techiniques involved in this architectures such as providing partitioning/isolation, trust architecture pins, secure booting, code signing tool, among others. Although it is a complex topic, the idea is to be as simple as possible with it, that way no attendee will feel left out nor unable to follow the paper.

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Computer Engineer with a passion for Safety Critical & Embedded Systems. I have worked on this industry for 8 years on space, aeronautics and railway systems. Prior to this, I was a teacher & coordinator about STEM technologies for two years.

Currently I act as the Head of Safety Critical & Embedded Systems department at Orbital Critical Systems where my main duty is to oversee all the projects are done according to DO-178/254, ECSS & IEC61508. I created the whole department from scratch bringing all my expertise as well as created the guidelines and standards to be followed for the projects.