
QA&TEST 2025 Safety and Cybersecurity - Madrid, April 3 and 4.

QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity addresses the challenges posed by the integration of safety and cybersecurity aspects in the different stages of the life cycle of a product or system.

The interconnection of systems has meant that these disciplines cannot be considered separately and, therefore, we can state that a system can not behave safely (safe) if it is not protected against attacks (cybersecure).

The level of maturity of this integration is not high and in fact, it is an increasing cause for concern in organisations. Thus, in QA&TEST SafSec, we will discuss about techniques, tools, methodologies, etc., that will enable us to face the technical, regulatory, organizational and market challenges that such integration demands.

The final objective is to offer the keys to develop more competitive and robust solutions for the market with controlled levels of effort and cost.

In addition, QA&TEST Safety and Cybersecurity is a multisectoral and multidisciplinary conference which means that initiatives from a sectoral point of view (railway, logistics, medical devices and pharmaceutical laboratories …) that, due to their interest and applicability, should be shared by other domains, will be also shown.

QA&TEST SafSec addresses the entire life cycle of a product / system, so both the responsibles for product design, development and operation, as well as those in charge of certification and testing, are the target of the conference. Likewise, QA&TEST SafSec welcomes specialized companies in the development of tools for both IT security and support to the process of development and testing of systems, as well as regulatory and standardization entities.


SQS, Software Quality Systems, organises QA&TEST since the very beginning in 2001. SQS, as the leading provider of software quality consultancy and testing services, has witnessed how their customers improve the quality of their software developments while dramatically reducing the costs of correcting bugs and maintenance.
Aware of the need for training in the sector, SQS began the search for a new way to share their training experience and, in 2001, QA&TEST was born. The success of the conference is a pride for SQS, consolidated as an ideal platform to exchange knowledge of testing and supported by a large community of experts that has been forged over the years.