Josu Fernandez

SQS (Spain)

Safety and Cybersecurity in data spaces and their impact on critical environments

Use and experience within data spaces and their existing regulations in the field of safety and cybersecurity. The talk will address the requirements by design that have to be met by the components of a data space in terms of regulations depending on the level of certification to which they want to opt and depending on the environment in which they will be deployed (critical and non-critical environments). It will focus on how to ensure the cybersecurity of data spaces and how the set of cybersecurity requirements that must be met evolve depending on the level of safety and security that is being applied at each specific data space.

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Physicist and electronic engineer involved in the verification and validation of requirements of data space components for the last four years. I have worked and participated in the validation against criteria of different data space components, from the validation of core data space components such as short duration token providers services, audit services, app providers and metadata broker among others, to the validation of connectors for use in data spaces depending on their level and scope in terms of safety and cybersecurity. Currently, I am the technical director in charge of the component certification laboratory of SQS, being this laboratory the first one approved by IDSA for the validation of connectors complying with the regulations established for the different safety levels.